
Why don't we see rating changes in tournaments anymore ?

@thibault I have the impression that Lichess started to go in the wrong direction. There are still so many things to improve, and you change what is no needed or insignificant. For example: I still can not find my games by searching them in the search bar using the opening name as "Sicilian defense Najdorf variation Fischer-Sozin attack" and so on. The analysis of games is still inaccurate. You can not learn from your small inaccuracies because the system can not see them. Learning chess opening is still difficult.
Importance is subjective. Thanks for sharing your point of view.
Exactly, and I like to know all that during the arena, and only during the arena. I never look at stats after the arena. For example: If I lose more than 40 points in 3 games because of berserk, I will try to win those points back against strong players that go berserk against me, and if I break even in the end (with the same rating points that I started with), I consider it an excellent performance, and I am not interested in looking at nothing else, because berserk makes wins against much stronger players and losses against much weaker players irrelevant. Actually, playing too much berserk is "legal sandbagging", one can lose 200 points because of berserk, just to get it all back later. And that is all legal. So, I use the game-to-game rating gain/loss to try to control that a little. And it's fun to do it. If it's not a bug, please put it back.
Rating change in tournaments wasn't bad , but it wasn't important. I am a great fan of "simplification" , so no problem.
Don't make a fuss over it...
Simplifying the UI gets all my support :)
It was useful.
If you remove it to gain a lot of computer time for (i.e.) AI, then ok.

If you removed it to "simplify" the inteface, you can put it back as a player option. :-)
Regardless of whether or not it is used as a tiebreaker, it was, IMO, nice to have. I think it should be an option that can be toggled on and off. Something refreshing about seeing +100 or more in a tournament, or vice versa.

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