
Why don't we see rating changes in tournaments anymore ?

I liked the rating difference, too.
Maybe the bosses of the site ar right that the performance is a better tiebreaker. But why not show the difference anyway, when so many are accustomed to it?

Sometimes there are changes on the site, neither for the better neither for the worse - just ... bewildering. Ans you wonder: have I chnaged anything in my settings? Do I remember wrong that this was different? ...
Since most of the posts in this thread are in favor of having the rating change back, what about making a poll, so anyone interested can have a say? :-)
There is a way to show this poll at the top? :-)
After 5 days the results are:

69% wants it back
23% as an option
9% do not want it back
IMO from both a math perspective and software design perspective, the following compromise would be best:
* Display rating and performance rating of each player

A player's rating is affected by events outside the tournament, for example rated challenges & the rating refund feature. But in general a perf. rating exceeding a rating is indicative of a "good" performance.

(Also rating refunds should affect the pre-event rating if points were refunded for games played before the start of the event; and ratings of tournament opponents should be recalculated after the refund is applied.)
I generally don't look at my rating before the tournament.
I decide to withdraw or go on looking at my rating change. When I can't see it, I can't decide. I have to go look at my first game of that tournament.
This is unefficient.
After 1 week the results are:

73% wants it back
18% as an option
9% do not want it back

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