
Search "user:Tremarl"

15 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Impossible Puzzle to solve for Humans#24

This puzzle is incredibly simply that its stupid. Just stack 3 pawns H765 and King at H8, put white King on A1, done easy draw. As soon as you introduce the rule that you cannot stack pawns, then you'…

Off-Topic Discussion - What would happen if Lichess closes and would never return again.#24 Stonks go up massively.

Off-Topic Discussion - Best christmas song#36 This and Last christmas.

Lichess Feedback - Lost Game on Timeout#1

My understanding was that the rules were that if you flag, you lose the game only if there is a series of legal moves that theoretically lead to you getting mated. Not merely mating material exists on…

Off-Topic Discussion - I proved that circles don't exist.#19

By that logic dragons exist, because i can draw a dragon.

Off-Topic Discussion - I proved that circles don't exist.#17

@Approximation said in #15: > Circles, with radius r, should have the same distance to each "side" (or point on the circumference of the circle from the center) - thats what makes a Circle. > > The pr…

Off-Topic Discussion - I proved that circles don't exist.#7

Circles don't exist in reality, as we exist in a 3D space. All objects are fundamentally 3D. 2D shapes are merely an illusion as even graphite drawings have a surface thickness. Nonetheless, spheres d…

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#522

@TurtleMat said in #521: > t night displaying expensive stuff, and get harassed *on average* exactely as often as men. no special treatment. If women went home at night flashing of their wealth throug…

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#511

Yes the obviousy adult solution here is try and convince bad people to stop being bad, because that works!! I wonder how delusional people would think I am, if I were to go proselytizing to the local …

Community Blog Discussions - Breaking The Silence Online#375

Having to deal with toxicity on the internet is just the moral hazard of using the internet. People who have anonymity and don't have to say something to your face, are much more likely to be candid w…
